Same popcorn. Same people. New look.
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Donate Joy

Donate popcorn. Make a double impact.

Whether contributing to a fundraiser or shopping directly on our site, Donate Joy™ allows you to buy our delicious, small batch popcorn for educators and healthcare workers who support America's youth.

Refer A Recipient

Donate Joy™ spreads joy to those who care for our youth

During the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020, educators and healthcare professionals worked unselfishly to care for America’s youth in extremely trying conditions.

We didn’t want their sacrifice to go unrecognized and unrewarded. We figured that if Double Good exists to create joy for our kids, then why not extend the love to those who care for them?

And so Donate Joy was born.

Now, anyone can donate delicious Double Good popcorn to educators and healthcare professionals who support America’s youth. 

Buyers can share our delectable, small batch popcorn with these dedicated essential workers by adding a donation item to any purchase, whether supporting a live fundraiser or our Double Good Kids Foundation.

How to contribute

Add a donation to your cart

When contributing to a fundraiser through a Pop-Up Store or when shopping through the site, add a donation to your cart.

We ship popcorn directly to recipients

Our delicious, award-winning popcorn is sent on your behalf to health and education workers who support America’s youth.

Feel doubly good about raising joy

Check your email for updates about who received your donation and witness firsthand how your popcorn donation helped someone feel joy and appreciated.

The Double Good community has 
spread A LOT of joy

Since April 2020, Double Good supporters have brightened the days of many hometown heroes in their communities.


Bags donated by the Double Good Community




Cities Reached


Bags of popcorn

“I can’t say how much our employees LOVE your popcorn! The excitement and energy around a Double Good popcorn distribution is palpable. It’s a small gift that goes a long, long way in making everyone’s day just a bit brighter. I mean, there’s popcorn, and then there’s Double Good Popcorn, which makes the smiles and joy twice as nice! Thank you Double Good!”

Jeff N.

Vice President of Hospitality Services

Know any healthcare workers or educators supporting our youth

If you or someone you know qualifies for popcorn donations, please sign up or refer them. We’ve made supporting those who care for our children very simple. Whether someone is buying from a fundraiser or directly from our site, they always get the option to donate our delicious, small-batch popcorn and fill someone’s day with joy.

Refer a Recipient

Donate popcorn. Make a double impact.

Whether you are contributing to a fundraiser or shopping directly from our site, Double Good’s Donate Joy program lets you donate delicious popcorn to healthcare workers and educators of America’s youth.

Donate Now